Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Random Miniature....Tuesday?

I just realized Monday came and went and I forgot to throw up a finished mini from the past. Truth be told yesterday was kind of a waste of a day as the entire household was under the weather and didn't really do much at all. Looking at my done folders I picked this "Monday's" miniature.

Here is a Lanyssa Ryssyll I did a few years back as part of PG_theblklotus' escalation league. Looking back I think that 6 week league produced more finished minis for me than any other period. I am pleased, for the most part, with how she came out. I like the purple and grey of her clothing best. I might try and go back and finish the eye more appropriately as I have a little more practice with eye now and they usually make a big difference.

Even though it is a week off I don't see myself getting much more work done in the next few days. I might try and finish up bull snapper #2 but that would be the most I can see getting done. I am going to take a finished photo of the boneswarm and send it off to Lost Hemisphere for the Dec PtT. I did go the cheap way by using him but a finished mini is a finished mini I suppose. Most likely this will be last post of 2011 so have a safe and happy New Years and see y'all in 2012.

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