Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Merc Work

Last night I headed down to the cave for a little bit. I didn't have a tone of time to paint so I elected to do my favorite part of the hobby: assembly. This is a bold faced lie as I hate assembly but it is a necessary evil. Here are the mercs I assembled/cleaned/primed last night. All of these gentleman and lady can be used for my FADD army which should start to see posts in the not too distant future.

Here we have Herne & Jonne, the NQ alt pEiryss, Gorman di Wulfe, and Kell Bailoch. None of these models will be part of the 35pt in one month challenge but all can be used in the army. There are a few more merc solo I want to add to this group in the near future. I was looking over my mercs and I might have to pick up a few casters (MacBain or Damiano) and plays some merc lists....but I would have to get some merc 'jacks so maybe I will hold off. Back to a work week here so time to grab a nap.

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