Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

eBaldur Continues

I was able to do a little work on Baldur today but not as much as I was hoping. Today was my little guys 3rd birthday so I spent the morning playing with him before I took my nap. I also had softball this evening so no progress after I got up either. On the topic of softball I am getting old. I never used to get hurt before I was 30 now it seems like I pull a different muscle every year. OK back on topic. All the leather and greys have been washed. I was happy with the leather as is so I highlighted the runes with a little P3 beast hide. I need to do the seams and call the leather sections done. The grey needs to get highlighted up with most likely two layers. Once I get that done it is on to his face and beard. I am not sure when he will get worked on again as tomorrow am starts the FADD/Cave Painting Challenge (more on this in the am).

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