Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Saturday, August 11, 2012


I was having a hard time sleeping Friday night and ended up getting up around 0430. Instead of tossing and turning and trying to get back to sleep I headed down to the cave. I put an episode of Mohr stories on the iPod and got to work. I then listen to the lasted MoM:Road to War podcast. After about two hours of working assembly line style I felt like I hadn't really accomplished anything and was feeling a bit discouraged.

At this time I decided I needed to focus on a single mini and crank it out. That mini was Reznik. Over the remainder of the day I snuck down to the cave to grab 30 min here and 45 min there. In doing this I was able to get a lot done on Reznik and it helped me feel more productive and like I had accomplished some thing.

During the day I painted all the white metals and bronze sections, washed the metals with my armor wash, washed the yellow metals with GW Gryphonne sepia and whites with GW Badab black, basecoated the grey sections, washed the grey with more Badab black, blackened the armor sections, basecoated the scroll, and hit him with a coat of matte varnish. OK now he is starting to look like something!

Here are a few shots of the other minis I was assembly lining earlier in the morning.

Here are two of the three wracks. I am trying to have the skin tones on all the "guests" slightly different. The darkest one is done the middle tone one needs one more highlight and the lightest one (not pictured here) is only basecoated. I also did the leather wrap around the legs on all three. I should be able to finish these soon. I need to finish the skin, paint the crows, and drybrush the dirt.

While I had the P3 Rucksack tan on the palette I basecoated the paints on one vassal and wraps on the other. I also base coated the skin while I was doing the wracks. The skin was also used on three of the choir boys which can be seen in the group photo above.

I was pretty happy with yesterday as a painting day. If I get a solid session in I should be able to finish Reznik but I don't see it happening today. I plan on heading down to the FLGS to grab a game or two. Zack wants to try out an alternative hardcore list for GenCon and my pMaddy brick wants to say hi. I also have a buddy looking to get his first 25pt game in with his Cryx so I think I will be bringing him down to the store too. I will update progress once I get some more done. Hopefully a finished Reznik and three wracks are here by the end of tomorrow.

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