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On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Dozer & Smigg: Color Me Surprised

Well I am sure many of you have already seen this but Dozer & Smigg spoilers hit the web last night. Those that have not see them yet here is the back of their card:

The front of the card hasn't been seen but it is reported he is standard blitzer stats except mat 6 (well kinda) and arm 19. I have to say I am pleasantly surprise with the mini and very happy he is only 9pts (I was sure we were looking at another 11pt character). I have to be fully honest I was very nervous about this guy when his photo hit the PP webpage and I am glad to see that those concerns were for naught. 

Just cause I have a pretty model doesn't mean my rules have to suck.......mountain king!

I think my favorite part is his animus. I have been wanting an artillerist for some time now and to be able to put it on maybe two minis a turn is really nice. I'm not thrilled about the inaccurate part but it was kinda expected. I know many people will be looking to play him with Gunnbjorn due to his affinity but I think there are a bunch of 'locks that will want these guys along and a lot of minis in the faction that will love to play with him. I think my favorite possible synergy may be with the war wagon. I have enjoyed this model when I have played it and you cannot go wrong with +2 mat and the ability to re-roll deviations on a 5" pie plate. I was texting with some buddies last night and told them to cook up some list off the top of their heads. Tim threw this one back pretty fast:
Grissel Bloodsong, Marshal of the Kriels (*6pts)
* Pyre Troll (5pts)
* Dozer & Smigg (9pts)
* Dire Troll Blitzer (9pts)
War Wagon (9pts)
Krielstone Bearer and 5 Stone Scribes (4pts)
* Krielstone Stone Scribe Elder (1pts)
Trollkin Warders (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
Trollkin Warders (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
Fell Caller Hero (3pts)
There is a lot of nice synergy here. You have the blitzer gaining the +2 to attack rolls with very little to block LOS to D&S other than the wagon. Then there are all the possible targets for Bank Shot:
  1. Grissel: two AOE shots and who doesn't love a RAT 8 AOE 3 boostable knockdown shot?
  2. War Wagon: OK not rat 8 or boostable but RAT 7 AOE 5 knockdown gun!
  3. Pyre troll: use the re-rolls from artillerist to try and drift a fire causing AOEs on those pesky stealth support solos.....looking at you Eiryss and Gorman. If the boosted blast damage doesn't do the trick the fire might next ture :)
  4. Then there is always their own gun
I think I like the list but there is certainly room to tinker but I think I may take tis exact list out for a spin when I get my hands on them.
I also cooked up a couple lists quickly.
Hunters Grim (*4pts)
* Troll Impaler (5pts)
* Dozer & Smigg (9pts)
* Dire Troll Blitzer (9pts)
* Trollkin Runebearer (2pts)
Pyg Burrowers (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Sons of Bragg (6pts)
Trollkin Scattergunners (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Trollkin Scattergunner Officer & Drummer (2pts)
Fell Caller Hero (3pts)
Saxon Orrik (2pts)
Stone Scribe Chronicler (2pts)
This is the Grim2 list I just played at the SOO but with Dahlia and Skarath removed in favor of Dozer & Smigg. This will allow Dozer to benefit from snipe and his animus on feat turn and hopefully have an additional +2 rat from mark the target. While there aren't the same amount of AOEs he will also buff the blitzer.
Madrak Ironhide, World Ender (*5pts)
* Dozer & Smigg (9pts)
* Dire Troll Bomber (10pts)
* Trollkin Runebearer (2pts)
War Wagon (9pts)
Krielstone Bearer and 5 Stone Scribes (4pts)
* Krielstone Stone Scribe Elder (1pts)
Pyg Burrowers (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Trollkin Scattergunners (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Trollkin Scattergunner Officer & Drummer (2pts)
Fell Caller Hero (3pts)
Goblin Tinker (1pts)
I have wanted to play around with an eMadrak shooty list for a little while now and here is a quick take on that. There is no blitzer here to take advantage of his veteran leadership but the bomber is a fan of artillerist for sure bumping his RAT to a solid 7. The in ability to put far strike and bank shot on the bomber is a little upsetting but I still think there is something here. The tinker is there cause I had a spare point.
These are only a couple lists I have been toying with and I am sure I will be hit with many more in the next few day but I need to get to bed so we will cut this off. I was pleasantly surprise with our the first Trollblood spoiler from the new book. This gives me hope that Borka2 and the highwaymen won't be flops but I am still being cautiously negative about them ;) Here's hoping Mickey has been working on his ninja skills (I gave him a big list) and these fine looking gentlemen will be in my possession early next week.


  1. Neat ideas! The Grissel list looks like it has a good amount of synergy.

    Small correction: Gorman has Immunity: Fire + Corrosion so the Pyre Troll's ranged attack won't be effective. The plan still works great on other pesky solos though!

    1. Thanks for checking in. Yeah brain-fart on that punk Gorman ;). I am really looking forward to "kicking the tires" on this guy.

      However in bigger breaking news Borka2 is getting released at the Lock N Load store today so more spoilers to drop this afternoon. Here's hoping my ninja brings back Dozer & Smigg and Borka!!
