Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas/ Cave Status Update

Hello all and Merry Christmas. I hope those that celebrate the holiday are having a wonderful day and y'all that don't I hope are having a wonderful day too just without the gifts :) Well I have been doing the present thing with my 3 and 4 year old this morning and watching them have a fun with that. My 4 year old tried to get up at 3:30 while "Santa" was finishing set up so I had to occupy him and keep him in his room while things got buttoned up.

I was hoping to have finished shots of the mountain king for y'all by now but I have been unable to finish him. as you may have noticed I had my wip mountain king posts every two days then nothing.... Well I have been under the weather for the past two weeks. I had a strain of flu my vaccination apparently didn't fully cover, then my 3 year old brought home pink eye, and I seem to have picked up a pretty nasty chest cold as I have been hacking my brains out for the last two weeks. I seem to be on the mend and hope to get back to the cave in the near future.

The plans for the next month are as follows:
  1. Finish the MK: Have to glue the chains on, wash the chains, final highlight the whelps, and clean up the base.
  2. Paint my annual mini for a friend. The last two years I have painted a mini for a buddy in the month of January to be given to them for Templecon. Last year I did Carver for Oxyguy and the year before Rienholdt for hammy44. This year will be Bosun Grogspar for Mr Northblade.
  3. Pick the list I plan to play for hardcore and finish the minis to meet hardcore requirements
  4. Pick the lists I'f like to try and play for the Bloodm Sweat, and Tiers tourney and finish the minis to meet basic painting requirements.
The last bullet point may be pretty hefty depending on the list I decide to play. A few of the list will require me to finish/start at least one 10 man unit. OK back to playing games with the boys. I hope y'all are having a great day and hopefully I will have a finsihed mountain king for you soon.

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