Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Monday, April 29, 2013

We Got Mail WeGot Mail...YAY!

My work week has finally come to and an end and by this point of the day I should be sound asleep and dreaming of nothing but boxcars and passed tough rolls, however, my dumbass scheduled a follow up sleep study tonight at 9:45pm so I am stumbling around like (more of) an idiot. The good part of this is that I was up when the mail guy came and delivered a package from good ole Mr Larsen from chain attack land ( Let us look together shall we:

 The lot all as one

 Holy pieces parts Batman! I count 22 for three guys
The man, the myth, the legend. Did you hear I have mortality? 
" I make this bowler look good! and what do you mean I am the expendable pyg?"

 Grim1 "Sick hat bro I want one" Grim2 "trade you for those working goggles mine are broken"

I intended to paint up both Grims at the same time but I may have to wait and get Grim2's head as a bit once available. This could look too good to pass up.
Last but not least a lil ole base to make sure I got free shipping. This is most likely going to be used for my PoM as an alt 'jack base but I may base the fat man of Skorne on it....we will see.
So there you have it my little package of joy from Idaho. In my current state of exhaustion there is a high probability of me either gluing my fingers together or cutting myself but I think I am off to start cleaning/ assembling the Hunters Grim. I need to have these bad boys ready for the maiden voyage and it looks like Friday may be the day! Happy hunting all.

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