Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Road to Hell....and All That

Well as they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions so it looks like I am on that path. In my lasts few posts I was making really nice progress on my war wagon but said I would be away for a week. The week I was away was spent in Disney World with the wife, kids, in-laws, and stepson's girlfriend and kid. The week in Disney was a blast and I got my four year old son a bunch of new rides for the first time (finally tall enough) and luckily he loved them all. We flew back into NY the night Sandy was hitting the east coast but luckily we were one of the few NY airports still taking flight and had no issues with coming home (in-laws were not so lucky). My intention was to take this week to work on the wagon and get it finished up and table ready but I was so beat from all the fun that have done nothing other than hang around with the family and recover from the trip. After a glorious 21 days off I head back to work tomorrow night so not sure when I will be logging in significant painting time but I really would like to get the wagon finished in no more than two weeks. Hope to have updates for you in the not to distant future with the my plan being to finish the main wagon painting in my next session or two.

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