Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Supplies/Old Dog New Tricks

I have been watching a bunch of video tutorials of late and have been inspired to try out some new techniques the first technique is the oil wash. This seem to be a pretty effective technique and also pretty straight forward. I headed out to the nearest art supply store to pick up some supplies in the anticipation of trying it out soon.

As you can see here I picked up three tubes of W&N oil colors. I picked up Vandyke Brown and Ivory Black, which I have seen used in a few videos, and I tried out a blue seeing as I plan to use this shading method on my trolls. I will most likely make some mix of the three to try and match my ink wash used on my trolls.

The other item I wanted to pick up was some artist pastels which I saw used for shading in a video or two. I was unable to find what I was looking for that he store I visited so I hit to order them.  These arrived on my doorstep about 30min ago.

Here are the pastels I picked up. While I was shopping I figured might as well grab a few more brushes. My go to brush has been the W&N 7 series for some tome now but Ghoul on did a review of sable brush and sang the praises of the Raphael 8404 so I decided to give then a try as well. I hope to try out these new methods over the weekend. I hope to have some positive results to show you soon.

1 comment:

  1. The Raphael 8404s are fantastic. I've been using them for over a year and a half now. It was interesting to see that Ghool liked them as well. Good choice on the sizes, those are my main work brushes. I also have a Size 0 that I will use for hard to reach areas and sometimes for eyes.
