Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Zombicide Reinforcements

As I mentioned in the previous post not much hobbying due to the flood but I did get a couple packages in the mail. I haven't had a ton of time to fiddle around with these but figured I'd snap a few photos. The first package I received was from CMoN and was the completion of my Zombicide Season 2 kickstarters. Here are the remaining characters: 

Comes with a bowling ball weapon card :)


I haven't opened the plastics on sets #3 or #4 so don't know what their cards look like but I think I'm most excited to try out the Lebowski minis and maybe the Silence of the Lambs minis.


Friday, March 28, 2014

Real Life.....UGGGH!

Hey y'all how goes it? The hobby side of life has been pretty quiet of late due to some "real life issues" Last week I was rolling solo as my wife took the boys to Disney World with my in-laws. I was picking up a bunch of hours at my second job but intended to get some serious hobby work done as well. I did get to play a few games in a 25pt vengeance event at our FLGS (went 0-3 with Khador) but not much painting.

I made plans Saturday afternoon but was intending to do a bunch of painting Saturday and Sunday. I was out at DieselDM's house Saturday playing a new game and when I got home I headed into the basement to fire up the airbrush but was greeted by an inch of standing water coving the cave floor. I initially attempted to clear what I could but it quickly became apparent that I had no shot of cleaning this up. I headed to the computer to find any local flood clearing services. The only one I could get a hold of told me it would be at least 2 hours before they could get to me. Since I had no better option I said sure and headed back into the basement to do what I could. I received a phone call about 2 hours later informing me all the crews were still out working and they wouldn't get to me until 8am the next day.

The crew arrived at 8:30am the following morning and I got in touch with my insurance agency to discuss a claim. It was at this point I was informed by my insurance that my policy didn't cover sump pump failures and that clean up was going to be completely out of pocket. After working for about 6-7 hours the crew got the water our, carpet ripped out, and a few sections of wall cut out that were pretty damages. They set up the dehumidifiers and blowers and headed out. It was at this time I headed back down into what remained of my cave to start sorting through the carnage to see what was trash, what could be saved, and was still dry.

Over the next 72 hours the crew came back a few time to rotate the equipment and bring in a few more dehumidifiers and I filled garbage bag after garbage bag with things needing to be washed or thrown out. Since I was still by myself my mother drove out to help with the clean up process. This is when the next stroke of luck happened. While we were at the Laundromat using the large capacity washers/dryers someone stole my mothers iPhone. We tried tracking it via the find my iPhone app but the battery died before we could get a solid lock on the phone. It was about this time that I was talking with my wife and they were going to be late coming home because my mother in law broke her wrist while in Disney and my wife and boys both had stomach viruses and couldn't stop throwing up.

Tomorrow night will be the one week mark of the initial "stroke of luck" Everyone is home safe and sound and the clean up process is moving along but man "real life" can real life and throw you some curve balls sometimes......and I was never great at hitting the curve ;)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Pluses and Minuses

In my last post I expressed my desire/plan to have the storm troll finished by this time.....well that hasn't happened. My week off from work started Monday morning which usually allows me some hobby time. I haven't had much hobby time at all as I have been working at my per diem job a lot this week. They are having a staff issue at my other job and I was asked to pick up as many hours as I possibly could. I really like the people at my other job and wanted to help out so that is where my time has gone. This leads us to the +/- of the situation.....while I have little time to work on hobby stuff I will have more $ to spend on hobby stuff. My stash of hobby money has dwindled down over the last few months so its a perfect time to refill the stores with these extra hours.

I have been able to do a little work on the storm troll as you can see here:

Did the final highlights on his skin and put the base color down on all his nubs

Filled in the runes on his skin with P3 arcane blue. The photo above was a shot I took after "testing" it on one side. I have since filled in all the runes with the arcane blue.
So that is where we currently stand here in the cave. I am not working the next three day so hopefully my next post will be of a finished mini. I may not have a lot of hobby time tomorrow as I am hoping to head to the FLGS to get a game or two in. I am not sure which list I am going to play but I think I am either going to play:

Borka Kegslayer (*5pts)
* Pyre Troll (5pts)
* Slag Troll (6pts)
Greygore Boomhowler & Co. (Boomhowler and 9 Grunts) (9pts)
Krielstone Bearer and 5 Stone Scribes (4pts)
* Krielstone Stone Scribe Elder (1pts)
Trollkin Champions (Leader and 4 Grunts) (9pts)
* Skaldi Bonehammer (3pts)
Trollkin Champions (Leader and 2 Grunts) (5pts)
Trollkin Champions (Leader and 2 Grunts) (5pts)
Stone Scribe Chronicler (2pts)
Trollkin Champion Hero (3pts)
Trollkin Champion Hero (3pts)


Grissel Bloodsong, Marshal of the Kriels (*6pts)
* Troll Axer (6pts)
* Mulg the Ancient (12pts)
Krielstone Bearer and 5 Stone Scribes (4pts)
Trollkin Champions (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
* Skaldi Bonehammer (3pts)

Saturday, March 1, 2014

My Nemesis Returns.......KICKSTARTER!

Title says it all. Some may say I have a Kickstarter issue (Northblade) but I can stop anytime ;) Well maybe I have a small issue. I have stayed away from the kickstarter for a few months now but I received an email from Cool Mini or Not the other day saying they had a new projects. Seeing as I have backed a few different CMoN run kickstarters I decided to take a look......ut oh.

The project is Arcadia Quest and it feels like a chibi blend of Super Dungeon Explore and World of Warcraft in a PVP setting. I immediately was attracted to the aesthetics of the game and the concepts seems fun. The game is campaigned based and there is a leveling up component I find appealing. I have not backed the project (yet) but it does seem like another good game for my buddies who are a little too intimidated by Warmahordes

Hero art

Hero minis

villain art

Villain minis
If you'd like to see more check out the kickstarter here or their webpage here