Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

The First of Many

Over the next 2-6 week the Cave is expecting multiple packages as many of my Kickstarters are going to start shipping. The include (in expected order) Zombicide season 2, Wild West Exodus, Rivet Wars, and Relic Knights. I cannot decide which I am looking forward to the most but right now I think I am leaning toward WWX seeing as I am thinking about building my own table (more on this later).

While not from a Kickstarter I did received two packages the other while I was napping. Let look at the goodies shall we?

My first box was from Privateer Press and here are the contents:

I haven't unwrapped this beauty yet but as you can tell it is the Butcher3 limited edition box set. I have loved since I picked up black and white copy of Prime a decade ago (good God where does time go). When I saw the new Butcher I had to have him and since I am a sucker for all think "limited edition" or "exclusive" I had to have it.

The rest of the box was a classic mauler, the new Gencon Booze mini (to go with the Kiltlifter and last years minis), and a the web excluse pHaley (more on her at a later date)

My second box was from good Mr Larsen at my favorite online retailer. This was part of a pre-order I place about a month back.

Here is a second fell caller, a second thumper crew (for Gunnbjorns theme), and an exemplar errant UA
Next up a pretty Menoth battle engine

Last but not least the pre-ordered item: Warmachine: High Command. The only thing that would have been better is Hordes: High Command :) I have been really excited about this game and cannot wait to take it for a test spin. I am trying to line up a game night next week with some buddies to kick the tires and see how she plays. OK that's all for now time to hit the sack. The next few weeks should be really geektastic with all my new toys coming. Updates as they arrive.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Not a Complete Wash

Hey all long time no write. Well August has been a blur and nearly over. I have had very little hobby time between work/family/life in general but as the title states the month has been a total wash. I haven't been able to play much (maybe 2 games this month) but I have been doing a lot of listen/thinkmachine. I have also been playing around with the airbrush a little. Here is the extent of my recent (August) hobby time.

A few months back one of my local guys Les aka Oxyguy asked if I would base coat his Galleon (think I forgot to take photos) with my airbrush. I was more than happy to do it for him as I love using the airbrush and like to help out when I can. When I dropped off the basecoated Galleon another buddy asked if I would mind laying down the blue basecoat on his storm strider and Stormwall. He said he had no time table so I was more than happy to do it. I decided I was going to try and do the shading and highlighting on the blues and not just the basecoat. I figured if I was going to experiment the strider should be my test subject and not the 'wall. Here is the strider in its current state. The photos are a little washed out but I have to say am I pleased with the blues and hope Nick likes them as well. I know he only asked me to paint the blue but I am tempted to finish this guy up as I have enjoyed working on it an want to see it to completion.

I have to get ready for work so that is all for now. When I get a chance I need to go and give the Stormwall the same blue treatment as the strider. Hopefully see y'all soon.