Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Kickstarter Delivery: Mega Mat

I received a kickstarter shipment today and wanted to share it with y'all. Back in December I stumbled across a kickstarter by Frontline Gaming and Tablewars for a product they were calling the Mega Mat. Their concept was to have high resolutions video game quality backgrounds digitally printed onto mouse pad type surfaces in 6x4 and 4x4 sizes for high quality easy to transport/set up gaming tables. I watched the kickstarter for a few days and waited to see which designs were unlocked and finally decided to jump in when the space layout was unlocked. I picked up two mats one for Warmahordes and one for X-wing. On to the pictures y'all:

Box was checked with only one mat and the wrong one but Mickey warned me his was like this so I wasn't concerned. My guess is the outer boxes were re-purposed from the China shipment.  

Inner boxes were fully tapped without a single section of exposed cardboard. Grassy plains and Space just what I was looking for.

Inside each small box was a draw string sleeve which was made of a nice heavy material. these feel like they will hold up very nicely to transportation and storage. My only wish was that it had a should strap for carrying back and forth. 

Thinner than I expected but very strong and durable feeling. Smells pretty strong of mouse pad for the time being but I'm sure that will fad. 

Grassy plain partially unrolled to get a quick glimpse. Even right out of the box it laid flat right from go. I was very pleased with the quality and this will be great for my trolls to kick some butt.

Borka says he'll be the judge of that. So Borka what do you think?...."OK fine you were right this will be perfect now get me a beer"

Next up I partially unrolled the space mat. Could this be a galaxy far far away?

Han decides he want to take a peek.

Time to make the jump to hyperspace...."punch it Chewie!"

I am very happy with the quality of these mats and that I decided to back this project in the last few hours. My plan going forward is to have a table frame made for these so that I can just unroll the desired mat into the frame and throw it up on the card table whenever I'm looking for a game. I will need to bang out/pick up some terrain for the Warmachine/Hordes table but that won't be too tough. The x-wing table is pretty much good to go but may try my hand as some 3D asteroids or maybe a moon to give it a little more flare. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

List Evolution/Tweaks

Hey guys hope all is well. Many of you may be aware that myself and a few of my Team Spite brethren have been preparing for the Southern Ontario Open and Friday was a day I was able to get out an practice again. I have been having a really tough time pinning down my third list for this masters event and I am still in a state of flux but may be getting a little closer. I have said previously that Doomie1: Runes of War and Grissel2 were going to be lists one and two and this has not changed. This three, however, has gone through multiple drafts and warlock choices starting at Grim2, then Grim1, then Jarl, then back to Grim1, back to Grim2, Calandra, glance at Borka, back to the Grims and Jarl, and finally Grim2 (I think). As you can see I have been all over the place.

Friday afternoon I headed over to the FLGS with my latest Hunters Grim list to give it a go. In game one I play Nick and a Rastheth: Chain Gang theme force. The scenario was close quarters and we were playing with a 45 min deathclock vs the appropriate 60 min to try and drive focus and efficiency. I ended up clocking myself but I think I played pretty well but wasn't focused enough on scenario and need to work on that. Game two I played against Adam and a Denny1 list. I was very excited that Adam came out as I really want to try and use this Hunters Grim list as my anti-Cryx list and also have some spill over into anti-Khador infantry as well. Once again we played close quarters. I ended up losing the game on an assassination as I was nearing the end of my clock again (gotta get faster) but was very happy with the game and the way the list functioned for its roll. Adam made me realize I need to work on my "unpacking" and placement a little more but all in all I am fairly happy with the bulk of the list but I'm not 100% in love with the battle group. Grim's battle group has changed multiple time and here are some of the groups I have used:

Hunters Grim (-4pts)
*Bomber (10pts)
*Impaler (5pts)
*Runebearer (2pts)

I wasn't in love with this after putting it on the table. I think a large part of my issue was the entire list was too ranged focus and wasn't balanced enough. Time for take two.

Hunters Grim (-4pts)
*Rok (11pts)
*Axer (6pts)
*Runebearer (2pts)

Due to my overabundace of range in my first lists I swapped to a more melee oriented battle group for my second attempt. I only tested this once and due to poor placeent got Rok killed too early in the game but I liked the more balanced feel to the list. I did miss having access to far strike on non-feat turns however.

Hunters Grim (-4pts)
*Bomber (10pts)
*Impaler (5pts)
*Storm Troll (5pts)
*Runebearer (2pts)

The previous battle group helped me shift my list to a more balanced plan of attack in my troop selection so I shifted the battle group back to a more ranged oriented attack with an animus via the storm troll to assist more of my melee troops. This was the battle group I played in both games on Friday and was pretty pleased with it on the table.

Hunters Grim (-4pts)
*Blitzer (9pts)
*Impaler (5pts)
*Storm Troll (5pts)
*Runebearer (2pts)

This is a battle group which has not seen the table yet but will be tested next time I get out to the FLGS to practice. I love the bombers (whats not to love) but by dropping the bomber to the blitzer and dropping the feralgeist (just a point filler)I can add in a more useful solo like Victor Pendrake, Alten Ashley, or a min unit of bone grinders (Scudo wants me to do this). I love me some AA but I think I am leaning toward Vicky P as an other source of KD and easy application of mortality. That spell is truly bananas and if I can put it on a KD'd mini and not have to boost or let Moses troll apply it even better.

OK enough of my ramblings for now. I will leave you with a quick wip from this afternoon. This is a unit that has been in every version of my Hunters Grim lists right from the get go.

I didn't have a ton of painting time between laundry, dishes, a sick child, and getting dinner made while the wife had the sick child at urgent care getting antibiotics but i did get the metals basecoated on a min unit and the UA leader. I am sure many of you listen to the Muse on Minis podcast and a recent topic of conversation has been Minimum Sized Units of MSU list building. I guess this is a 40k principle and one they feel if gaining traction in WarmaHordes. While I don't know if troll shave a great MSU game (maybe here and there) I do feel that min scattergunners with UA is the way to go with this unit and save 3pts to put towards a solo or support. Well anyways here are the guys that will be joining Grim, Muggs, and Krump in my attempts to nail down list three for the Souther Ontario Open. I will paint up the last four minis but not sure if it will be while I bang out the min unit for my Grim list or later. While I was working on these gentlemen I reinforced and reminded myself of something....I HATE painting units. Well that's all for now have a great week y'all.