Currently on the painting table

On the painting table: Batman Miniature Game!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Kickstarters Do Come True!

Those of you that follow along know I went a little off the deep end with kickstarters at the end of last year/beginning of this year. Some of the projects have been on a pretty major delay (looking at you Relic Knights) but the other day when I was napping I received a glorious package from the FedEx guy.

 According to my FedEx tracking email here is 13lbs of gaming good just waiting to be opened.

First item out of the box is Zombicide: Toxic City Mall (TCM). This requires a copy of season one or season two. This set has the new zombivor version of the original character as well ad four new character with their zombivor versions. This set introduces the new toxic zombie to the game!

Item number two is Zombicide Season 2: Prison Break. This is a stand alone game but can mix with TCM as mentioned above. This comes with six new characters and their zombivor versions and introduces the berserk zombies to play!

Here is set #2 of kickstarter exclusive characters and zombivors. I missed out on set #1 from the first kickstarter and I am really bummed about that. Despited being bummed about set #1 I am pretty excited to have my hands on set #2! At initial glance there are some really cool characters in the set. the characters are Brad (Dirty Harry), Thaissa, Kirk, Aunt Rose, and Ralph. I think on my first initial scan Brad and Rose are my favorites but not quite Nick (current favorite).

Here are four additional characters I added to my kickstarter.

Zombie Dogz! At three actions a turn and last on the ranged priority list these little fellows are SCARY!

Mans best friend. New companions for your characters. Looking forward to trying these out.
Gotta get some cool extra dice right?!?
The entire haul.....for now :) This was just wave one of shipments. I have an additional 10 (I think) characters coming with wave 2!
It is currently a work week so no gaming at this time but I am hoping to have a game or two next week with a buddy. I will breakdown the sets at a later time and give y'all my take on the new mechanics/characters after I get a little table time in. OK time for this guy to head to bed have a great day all. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Poll Closed WWX Faction Selected

Hey all. Well September started off with a bang I was having some really productive hobby (terrain) time and blogging consistently and then the wheels fell off. Life has a way of getting in the way of hobby time and while nothing bad happened I just had no time to get back to the hobby world. Despite the fact that I didn't post after the 19th I had the most views in a single month so thanks y'all for looking in and checking out my lil world.

The poll for my first WWX faction has closed and Sitting Bull and the Warrior Nation won by a nose. I have been tinkering with list for all three factions I was considering playing and I just "borrowed" this list from one of the members of Outlaw Miniatures. Here is the list I will be painting once my kickstarter arrives:

  • Boss:
    • Sitting Bull $200
  • Underboss:
    • Sky Spirit $145
  • Sidekick:
    • Walks Looking $80 
  • Hired Hands:
    • Scalper Close Combat $35
    • Scalper Close Combat $35
    • Scalper Close Combat $35
    • Scalper Close Combat $35
    • Brave Close Combat $25
These are the scalper hired hands (wave 2). Any of the 5 models with headdress' are CC minis

Random CC brave hired hand but probably my favorite.
  • Lights Support:
    • Energy Beast $80
    • Energy Beast $80

Total $750
Influence: 7

I'm going to try and do some new things with these minis such as glow effects around the eyes of Sitting Bull, Sky Spirit, and the Energy Beasts. I am also going to try the airbrush power weapon technique seen on multiple youtube painting videos for Sitting Bull's and Walks Looking's blades.

Outlaw miniatures just informed us backers that the cargo freighter from China has hit the high seas and is chugging its way across the Pacific (they actually gave us a site where we can track the progress of the boat). If all goes well on the ocean, and then customs, and then packaging I should hopefully have these minis in hand by the end of the month. So with that in mind I better get back to working on that demo board. Thanks again to all that voted on my poll and for stopping by the Cave.